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Mrs. Jennifer Desalvo Watson To All Instructors

My name is Jennifer Watson.  I met my husband, Robert, 23 years ago at the Arizona State Fair and we have two amazing kids, Blake and Brooke.  I am beyond excited to be a part of United Collective this year.  I will be one of the Math instructors for your middle school students. 

I graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing and Logistics.  I've spent the majority of my career focused on the financial, analytical and strategic side of Marketing.  I have built and mentored my analytic teams to be empowered, autonomous thought-leaders as I am of the mindset that you lift yourself up when you selflessly lift others to reach their potential.

I walked away from my corporate career five years ago when personal family matters, that included my two autistic children, required my full attention, dedication and flexibility. 

During my hiatus, I have spent my time working part-time as a respite provider for Air Force families, being highly involved in Cub Scouts as my kid's den leader and the Pack treasurer and involved in the West Valley/Goodyear delegation of Special Olympics for the last 2 years.  Most recently, I have been serving as a private math tutor with Smart Cactus through which I have rediscovered my love of math and believe I have found my passion and calling.

For fun, I enjoy making memories as a family--camping by a campfire under the stars, riding and exploring our beautiful desert in our UTV and family game night.  I also love listening to audio books, my new-found hobby of crocheting and jamming out to 80's music.

I am truly grateful to Our Lord for having crossed paths with Kristen Sylvester and her amazing organization.  From both a personal and professional standpoint,  I am honored for this opportunity and the trust you afford me to foster, mentor and inspire your children. My goal is not only to teach math, but do so in such a manner that is an extention of your family and spiritual values.

Current Classes
Math Intervention – (open)
Math Principles II – (open)
Mathematics Exploration 6,7,8 – (closed)
Mathematics Principals I – (open)
Roaring Minds: Mathematics Intervention Level 1-6,7,8 – (open)
Roaring Minds: Math Exploration 6,7,8 – (closed)