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Mrs. Amanda Hanback To All Instructors

My name is Amanda, and have been with my husband Scott for almost 23 years. Together, we have a
daughter, Catherine, who is about to turn 12. We are a Christian family and can be found serving at our
church any chance we get. My lifelong involvement in childcare began early. as my sister and I were
latchkey kids, with me being responsible for getting us to school and taking care of her until our parents
returned home. This early responsibility evolved into babysitting and nanny Jobs during my teenage
years and into adulthood.

After Catherine was born, I studied to become a lactation consultant but ultimately chose to be a stay-
at-home mom. When Catherine started kindergarten, we quickly realized that public school was not the
right fit for us, leading to the beginning of our homeschooling journey.

Homeschooling has been the biggest blessing to our family, allowing me to cherish Catherine's
childhood and tailor her education to her strengths. Through this experience, l've discovered there are
many different ways to teach children, which has deepened my love for teaching.
I have been homeschooling for nearly seven years and actively teaching in the homeschool community
for four years. My teaching experiences span co-ops, classes in my home, local libraries, and
neighborhood parks, both in Arizona and Texas. I am looking forward to teaching the Eloquent
Expressions class. I think it’s very important for students to learn how to articulate their thoughts,
clearly and confidently. Preparing for debates teaches students how to research topics thoroughly, how
to analyze various perspectives, construct logical arguments and anticipate counter arguments,
enhancing their critical thinking skills. Speaking in front of others helps students overcome fear and gain
confidence in their abilities, they learn how to persuade others effectively, a skill that is useful in many
aspects of life from everyday interactions to leadership rolls.

Debating different sides of an issue helps students understand and appreciate diverse viewpoints, fostering empathy and open mindedness.
The skills gained in speech and debate often translate to improved performance in other academic
areas, such as writing, reading, comprehension and analytical thinking. Overall speech and debate
provides a strong foundation for personal and academic growth, preparing students for future success.

Current Classes
Eloquent Expression – (closed)
Eloquent Expression-Speech and Debate – (open)