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Dear Fellow Homeschooling Families,

As a homeschooling mother myself, I am thrilled to welcome you to our Christian Hybrid Community's once-a-week drop-off program!

This journey we are on—nurturing our children’s minds, hearts, and spirits—is both a profound privilege and a rewarding challenge. I’m so grateful to be walking alongside each of you as we seek to give our children an education that honors both their academic potential and their spiritual growth.

Our program is designed with the heart of a homeschooling parent in mind. We understand the unique needs and desires that drive us to provide an enriching, Christ-centered education for our children. This community is more than just a place for learning; it’s a place where our children can build friendships, grow in faith, and explore their God-given talents in a supportive, nurturing environment.

As we gather each week, I’m excited to see our children thrive not only in their studies but also in their relationships with one another and with Christ. The fellowship and encouragement that comes from being part of a like-minded community are invaluable, and I trust that this program will be a blessing to all of us.

Let’s embrace this opportunity to partner together in guiding our children as they grow into the individuals God has created them to be. I look forward to the joyful times of learning, laughter, and fellowship that lie ahead.

In His service,

Kristen Sylvester

Campus Director